
PULSAtron : Series E PLUS

Is a high quality chemical pump With the finest out of the system Shoulder pads, valleys and balls make the system accurate. And high accuracy in every stroke of chemical pump operation Provides efficiency in priming water and has very good suction power Combined with the electronic circuit board of the pump is very stable. High temperature resistant Does not cause electrical interference, has a high precision clock circuit and can Prevent electrical interference Well too

  • Capacity : 9.5 – 94.6 LPH
  • Pressure : 2 – 10 Bar
  • Connections : 3/8” ID X 1/2” OD
  • 1/2” ID X 3/4” OD (LPH8 ONLY)
  • Optional Control: 4-20mADC direct or external pacing with stop function